Season 5 Is A Wrap!

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Written by

Krista Goon

Published on

December 24, 2022

Did you know that Season 5 is completed with 14 published episodes with the final episode airing on 9 December?

I am positively thrilled that to date, we have 72 episodes throughout 5 seasons with listeners from Malaysia, the United States, the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, Nepal, Japan and India. My listenership has grown 96% since I started!

Funnily when I started preparing for podcasting in March 2020, I was just thinking of completing Season 1 with 13 episodes.

In the end, I had 14 episodes including one that interviewed me.

Every season since then, it has been 14 episodes plus a trailer episode! (and I’ve also started a Youtube channel to feature snippets of the interviews. Subscribe if you haven’t yet! Or follow me on Instagram.)

I’ve been truly blessed that my podcast has had such a great run and this year, I hit 10,000 downloads organically.

When I pitched the podcast as a project in Hawaii at the East-West Center, one of my KPIs was to get 10,000 downloads. It took 18 months to hit this goal without any massive promotion. It has been through word-of-mouth, friends sharing my podcast, and people who find me on social media and people I meet.

A representative from a Canadian foundation some weeks ago remarked that she had searched for Asian entrepreneurship on Google and came across my podcast. She was in Malaysia to gather information for her organization about entrepreneurship and we had an exciting conversation about women, mentoring, and business. Hearing her words means a great deal because it validates my assumption – that Asian entrepreneurship is a hot topic and we, as the women of Asia, are a force to be reckoned with.

Two months ago, a Vietnamese organization also reached out to me because they were impressed by the podcast and my platform and my ability to speak to so many Asian women in Asia. They wanted to help find and feature their countrywomen. I’m always open to partnerships and collaborations so I replied, “Why not?”

If you are mission-oriented and want to grow women in business, I am open to ideas and collaborations promoting women in business; here’s a caveat, I only have a limited number of episodes per season. At this point, I am looking for content swaps so if you are a podcaster with a similar audience segment, let’s chat.

I’ve also temporarily removed my Guest Nomination form from this website because I have so many women on my list – women who have been introduced to me by other women who have been my podcast guests.

If you’re a listener, I thank you for being with me on this deeply personal journey. Season 6 starts in March next year but work has already begun! (But I am pacing myself so all is good this December. To sustain anything for the long term, we must be mindful of the breaks and rest that we absolutely must have. I work hard but I also play hard. Even short trips count – I was away hiking, glamping (that’s glam camping), riding on ATVs and cycling in Nature last weekend with friends.

December is also the time that I take stock of the year and engage in deep reflection. That’s how I grow and progress so if you want to know the questions I use for my reflection, check out my blog post.

In the end, it is our daily habits that make us who we are. I make sure my daily habits are in place (here’s one: I have Focus time on my iPhone that disables all calls from 11pm to 11am the next day. This gives me ample time to start my day – doing my spiritual practice, having breakfast with my husband and planning my day. This simple habit has given me peace throughout the day.)

I don’t celebrate Christmas as I am a Buddhist but I take this time to do a fair bit of reflection, going through my list of questions and answering them (not in a journal but typing into a Google Doc).

So wherever you are, whatever you’re doing this holiday, have a great celebration!

Merry Christmas to you!